Monday 5 December 2011


Well November came and went in a bit of a blur!!
November is a special month for me as I not only celebrate my birthday but my wedding anniversary too.
Wayne and I celebrated 22 years of marriage this year and I have to say it's been a blast. Although we are very different we share many of the same values and we encourage one another in our own interests as well as enjoying the same taste in food, sport, and TV viewing (for the most part anyway!!!).

I'm of the artistic persuasion Wayne is a scientist, Wayne's more logical I'm not!! None of these opposite trends seems to matter though, as we seem to compliment one another, and it all comes in handy when helping Gemma with homework projects and encouraging her in different areas of interest!!

Both Wayne and I enjoy being hospitable and so we celebrated my birthday and the birth of the new kitchen with a celebratory weekend by filling our house with lovely people who have walked alongside us in our journey over this last few months. It was a fab weekend celebrating with family and catching up with old friends as well as establishing new friendships. It marked the start of the next chapter in our journey using our new kitchen to bless others as well as receiving the blessings ourselves.

This month we also had the privilege of staying overnight at one of my favourite venues, the Waterside Inn at Bray. Thankfully Wayne's company were paying but we enjoyed a fantastic meal and then the luxury of staying there, followed by breakfast served in the room the next morning. What an absolute treat. I've promised myself we'll save up to go back next year sometime, love the place the people, the service and of course the food. 

And so to December. We've already started Christmas preparations. Cards are sent, the house is decorated with Tree and Christmas candles, just the shopping to complete now and then the wrapping to be done.
But I've also started preparing my heart and mind for Christmas too, and am reading daily Advent scriptures and studies. All to often I find myself getting ready for Christmas by being busy, but this year I want to cherish each day in preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. After all as a Christian that's what I'm really celebrating at Christmas. So this may be my last blog before the New Year in which case I would like to wish you all a very very Happy Christmas. May you know God's Peace, Love, Joy and Hope at this special time of year. 

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