Monday 11 April 2011


For those of you who have been following my blog you'll know I've given up alcohol for lent.
There have been surprisingly few people who've said I'm mad, most comments have been ones of encouragement and admiration for sticking at it. I have to admit tonight will be a testing time as I watch my beloved Man City play Liverpool without a beer....

Throughout this Lent period I've been thinking more and more about the word sacrifice and what it means to sacrifice. The more time has gone by I realize that giving up alcohol has been a small sacrifice for me, but one I'm glad I've done. I feel better in my self and even though I've probably eaten more sweet things than normal I actually feel healthier!!

The old testament talks about blood sacrifices being offered by the high priest would enter the Holy Place behind the second curtain in the tabernacle once a year, but only with a blood sacrifice. This was offered for himself and for the sins the people had committed in ignorance. (Hebrews 9 my paraphrase). There are many other stories of sacrifices being offered to God the most famous old testament one being that of Abraham when he was asked to sacrifice his son. (Genesis 22).

Whether you believe the bible or not you will have some experience of sacrifice, through storytelling, as well as history. For example many fictional and non fictional stories have been retold in films where young virgins are sacrificed in weird religious ceremonies, I think the last Indiana Jones film I watched had such rituals in it. And we don't think twice about the legends of the maidens being sacrificed to the dragons.....if you really think about it, there was a lot of blood and gore going on there!!! When I watch stuff like that I don't really think about the pain and suffering attached to it.

Today in the modern western world we make many sacrifices, maybe sometimes without even realizing we are. Our troups are sent to far off lands to keep the peace, a huge sacrifice for them and their families. Men might sacrifice their 'freedom' when they enter into marriage. Women might look at the things they give up to become mums, work, the nights out, the time and space to themselves. And parents have to give up lots to put their children through University.

All these sacrifices are pertinent and relevant and hard for those undertaking them and yet they all pale into insignificance when I think of the sacrifice Jesus made for me. Observing Lent in the way I have this year has made me appreciate this even more. Each time I've felt tempted to have a drink I've remembered why I'm not drinking.
I've had a few questions about what will I do after Easter? I'm not sure yet but I know I'll cut down. I think more than anything it will help me appreciate what I have more.

For now though two more weeks to go.....

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