Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Hopelessly Devoted

1978, a Saturday morning, off to play in a hockey tournament, then into Manchester's Arndale Centre, to play with my school band. I had to meet my Mum and Auntie who had gone on ahead with my trumpet and music folder (which wasn't small or light!!). All seemed well planned and working well. The spanner in the works was the weather!! It was pouring with rain....some of you may think that not unlikely being Manchester and all!! I was absolutely saturated after playing hockey in the rain, then waiting for the bus in the rain, and walking in the rain from the bus to the Arndale!!!

After we'd finished the concert Mum and Auntie took real pity on me, and we went shopping. This wasn't a regular occurrence and something none of us particularly liked doing (!!) but I was so wet my shoes were ruined and my coat was dripping. Kitted out with new shoes and coat (a real treat) we headed off to the cinema to see Grease.....something I'd been looking forward to for ages and so we took the opportunity of being in town to see the film everyone was going to see.

As I sat in the cinema and watched the story unfold, I was completely sucked into the plot and loved the music. At the point where Danny sits on the swing and sings about how he's been 'stranded at the drive in' by Sandy.....he was singing to me!!!!!! And I felt for her as she sat on the porch and sang how 'hopelessly devoted' she was to him.

To this day I love this film and like taking the trip down memory lane. However as I was reading this morning I got to thinking about devotions and what we can become devoted to. Sandy was 'hopelessly devoted' to Danny. She was head over heels in love with him and yet there was a part of her that felt it was all hopeless.

I think we've all had times when we've felt hopelessly devoted to things. To a job where we don't feel appreciated, to a person who doesn't return our devotion, to a cause where it all seems up hill and no one understands our way of thinking.

The book I was reading this morning is by Max Lucado called 'Travelling Light'. It takes a comprehensive look at the 23rd Psalm 'The Lord is my Shepherd'. The chapter I read today concentrated on verse 6, 'surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life'. Lucado says, even though 'our moods may shift....our minds may change.....our devotions may falter.....He is a sure God'.

2011, some years later (!!), I know that I need to devote myself to God and all the things He wants me to achieve. My devotion to Him is not hopeless, but one of hope and security. A sure hope that He will follow me all the days of my life, with the goodness to provide me with what I need, and the mercy to forgive me for all the times I get it wrong.

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