Friday 10 June 2011


Well three weeks have gone by now, when I should have finished the work project I started, but I'm still waiting to hear from work to clarify my next steps, and what is expected of me!! As I've blogged previously I find this extremely frustrating, and it got me thinking about the whole concept of waiting and the emotions we go through in the process.

I recognise that waiting is just part of life!! From an early age we learn about the waiting game. The anticipation of waiting for Christmas or a Birthday. The build up of excitement as we wait for a party date to arrive or a visit from a special friend or family member we don't see very often. The thrill of waiting for a friend to arrive to spend some quality time with them and just enjoy their company.

There are also times that trigger anxiety or feelings of dread. Times when we're waiting for a confrontational meeting to happen, or the sinking feeling when you're waiting for an apology you feel you deserve and it doesn't seem to be forthcoming. The frustration of waiting for a reply to a text or email so you can make plans or take action. Anxiety as we wait in a dentist's or doctor's surgery, or waiting for medical treatment to start or the results of a scan. All those who are in the middle of exams will soon be playing the waiting game as they sit tight in the hope that their results are all they need to be.

This all got me thinking about what I do while I'm waiting. For example what do you do if you're waiting for a taxi to arrive?? I get very nervy and look longingly out of the window and hope I'm going to make my appointment on time!! Will I miss the train?? All a bit ridiculous really cause I can't do anything about it!!

Sometimes we need to make preparations while we wait. For example waiting for our holiday date to arrive we have to buy all the right stuff, make sure our wardrobe is appropriately filled and suncream or rain protection is purchased!! I've also spent many hours practising my trumpet in preparation for concerts or gigs, so I've learnt my parts, and am confident about performing well.

We might wile away hours trying to distract ourselves with a sudoku or a crossword puzzle or 'facebook' as we wait for the allotted time. These are all coping mechanisms which I'm sure we've all adopted to some degree or other, but lately I can't seem to get a worship song out of my head which is helping me be a bit more focused and positive while I'm waiting.

As a Christian I have to keep coming back to this for my own sanity!! As much as it is only human to get anxious or frustrated, God doesn't want us to be like that. He wants us to rest in Him, and in His peace and joy. When all the waiting is over and the event has happened, whether it is happy or sad, He wants us to be a better person because of it. He wants us to learn from it and be ready to tackle the next thing. He wants us to be happy and not full of regret. These are all things I'm continuing to process and learn. I don't have it sorted but I'm trying. I'm trying to keep my focus on Him and enjoy the peace He promised us.

'Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you.....
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid'
John 14:27

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